How I went from shortness of breath and coughing to breathing easily

Are you often short of breath, have a cough or feel that your lungs are not functioning optimally? Even though your doctor may reassure you that everything is fine, you are still left with symptoms. Discover my story here and find out the positive changes I have made to my life.

Written by: Francesca van Vught | Written on February 11, 2024

Hoe ik van kortademigheid en hoesten weer naar vrij ademen ging

Dear Reader,

My name is Francesca van Vught, and for over four years, I suffered from coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath.

During this time, I visited several doctors and underwent the necessary tests. I repeatedly heard that my lungs looked good and I had nothing to worry about.

To alleviate my symptoms, several doctors prescribed medications, but none produced the desired results.

In addition, it’s important to note that I exercise several times a week and am always conscious of my diet. Despite this, my coughing and breathing difficulties have persisted, leaving me to spend many nights lying awake.

When nothing seemed to help, I began to do my own research. I quickly found that the lungs are vital organs in the human body, playing a crucial role in the respiratory system. 

Namely, they ensure that oxygen from the outside air is absorbed into the blood and that carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, is removed from the blood.

So, you can imagine my concern when my symptoms did not improve. Looking back on this period, I sometimes ask myself why I didn't try this sooner.

Since this is a remedy that regular doctors don’t usually offer, I have chosen to share my story with you today. This is so that if you suffer from similar symptoms, you are not sent from pillar to post at the doctor's office, as I was.

Why it took me over four years to find the solution

As you now know, I often sat in the doctor's office waiting room, unfortunately always without a solution.

Each time, I was disappointed, and, over time, I became frustrated.

I admit that I have never been open to natural remedies. After all, doctors spent many years studying, and science is such that only synthetic drugs are effective, or so I thought.

When I finally opened up to alternative medicine, I felt much better within weeks.

I no longer suffer from coughing, breathing difficulties, or stuffiness, and my sleep has returned to the level I enjoyed before my symptoms. 

I managed all this without even visiting a regular doctor. What’s more, as a vegetarian, I have found a solution that fits entirely within my diet.

Now that I have found a solution that works for me, I would like nothing more than to share this with the world, because walking around with these symptoms for four years is something I wouldn't wish on anyone.

How one event positively changed my life 

I would like to return to all those medications I tried. During my four years of experiencing symptoms, I tried all sorts of things. 

Once, I began cough suppressants, which did not have the desired effect. Then, I was prescribed expectorants, which eased my coughing and lessened my pain, but I continued to cough. 

Honestly, at one point, I was done with it and accepted my complaints. My husband did not support this and prompted me to revisit the doctor. 

This time, I tried antihistamines and inhalation medication, again without results.

I decided to return to my own research and came across several studies explaining that respiratory infections are a common and significant problem.

Medications such as antibiotics are often prescribed to treat and control respiratory infections despite the published literature indicating that they are rarely beneficial to patients.

Now I have always had faith in clinical medicine, but my experiences taking medications and constantly sitting in that chair at the doctor's office were beyond frustrating.

As a woman in her 50s, it was not typical to experience these symptoms for several years.

After trying everything, I accepted that my symptoms had become a part of my daily life. Coughing was one aspect of it; some days, it was worse than others.

Until, on her birthday, my sister asked about my symptoms. This prompted her neighbor, who had been listening in, to join the conversation. 

What exactly was that eye-opener for me?

The neighbor shared that her husband worked as a homeopathic doctor and has repeatedly overcome these complaints.

I must confess that I have always been skeptical of alternative medicine

Nevertheless, she advised me to schedule an appointment with her husband. At first, I was reluctant, which was not surprising given all the doctor's visits I had made over the years.

But I thought, what the hell, and made an appointment with her husband, Gerard, a few days later.

Gerard was friendly and approachable, and his calm demeanor quickly put me at ease.

During the consultation, he listened carefully to my symptoms and asked questions I had not been asked before. 

He explained how the homeopathic approach worked and suggested a tailored treatment plan for my specific situation. 

Although I remained skeptical, something in his approach made me curious. Perhaps this time, the solution would lie in something I had previously ruled out.

The possible causes

Gerard informed me that homeopathy can offer a valuable approach to improve your well-being when you are dealing with coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath.

Rather than merely treating the symptoms, homeopathy focuses on restoring balance to your body and promoting your overall health. 

He explained that coughing is a common symptom arising from various causes; it may be a sign of infection, allergies, or a chronic condition.

Gerard asked me a legitimate question, “Do you smoke?”. I must confess that I have smoked for much of my life. Although I do not currently smoke like I used to, I still enjoy a cigarette in the evening after dinner.

I am well aware that smoking cannot positively affect my symptoms. During my doctor visits, I was frequently told that smoking can lead to serious lung problems, including COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

This progressive lung disease can permanently damage the airways, making breathing increasingly difficult.

In fact, I found out that the World Health Organization predicts that COPD will be the third most common cause of death by 2030. In this regard, the current arsenal of anti-inflammatory drugs offers little to no benefit.

Although my current symptoms did not directly indicate COPD, I was told that smoking is a risk factor I should not overlook. 

It was something I needed to consider, particularly given my symptoms and the potential impact on my lung health.

Yet, no doctor had ever been able to tell me precisely where my symptoms stemmed from. COPD did not immediately emerge from the examination results as a possible cause.

This caused even more confusion because I was told that my symptoms may be related to an allergy, which didn't explain everything. 

It was frustrating to not have a clear diagnosis, despite repeated examinations and conversations.

Gerard explained that breathing problems can range from mild to severe shortness of breath, potentially resulting from inflammation, allergies, infections or chronic conditions, such as asthma or bronchitis.

He asked whether the coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath typically occurred suddenly and whether they worsened with specific activities or exposure to certain environmental factors.

I replied that I had indeed noticed that my symptoms worsened especially when I was at home.

Gerard further asked me about my home situation, querying whether there may be certain allergens or irritants in my environment, such as dust, pets, or mold.

He explained that my symptoms could be exacerbated by even small changes in air quality or exposure to specific allergens.

This caused me to think about the possible factors in my own home that I may not have previously overlooked. But again, I could find no possible cause.

The cause of my complaints 

Having analyzed my situation for some time, Gerard began to question common theories about allergies and environmental factors.

During our conversation about the possible causes of the coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath, he asked me to look deeper into my own body. “It may be,” he said, ”that the cause of your symptoms is not just in your environment but has something to do with your own physiology.”

I thought again and informed Gerard that my symptoms arose, for instance, the moment I began my usual breathing exercises, when I noticed an unexpected, almost convulsive pain in my chest.

I mentioned that, when I got up every morning, I noticed a specific pattern: a squeezing feeling in my chest that not only affected my breathing but also seemed to indicate that something was happening internally.

This squeezing feeling appeared to worsen as the day progressed, particularly when I felt tired.

Gerard suggested that the problem might be related to a deeper underlying cause that we had not yet fully understood. He explained that coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath often stemmed from subtle irregularities in the way the body functions, which are not always directly attributable to the environment.

Upon further investigation, I found that my symptoms were caused by a combination of factors, which included smoking and an increased sensitivity in my respiratory muscles.

While smoking was not the sole cause, it was certainly a factor in aggravating my symptoms. Smoking can irritate the airways and cause inflammation, in turn increasing the sensitivity of the respiratory muscles. This made my symptoms more complex than they initially seemed.

Understanding that my breathing problems arose from multiple underlying causes, including smoking, helped me better understand why I had developed such symptoms.

Realizing that smoking was not the only culprit but was indeed an important factor motivated me to critically examine my habits. 

This also taught me that respiratory problems are sometimes much more complex than they may initially appear, and are often triggered by a combination of factors that together significantly impact lung health.

What exactly does this mean?

Respiratory muscles respond in a way that is not entirely typical, such as spastic contraction, may indicate an underlying disturbance in the way your body functions. This may become apparent during specialized breathing tests, for example.

If episodes of breathing difficulty increase and are accompanied by a pinching sensation in the chest, there may be a more advanced issue that requires attention. Therefore, it is crucial to take all symptoms seriously, even if they appear to be mild.

Gerard advises making sure to always listen carefully to all symptoms. 

Unexplained episodes of breathlessness, a feeling of choking despite normal activities, coughing, and severe fatigue even after adequate rest may indicate that something more complex is happening.

A possible solution?

Gerard looked at me with a friendly smile and said, “It's completely understandable that you are looking for solutions to your symptoms. 

It can sometimes be overwhelming to see what options are out there, but natural ingredients can be just what you need.”

He continued calmly, “In homeopathy, we don't just look at the symptoms, we look at how to naturally support and balance your body.

Often the right combination of natural remedies proves to provide exactly the extra support you need to alleviate your symptoms.”

Gerard nodded encouragingly. For example, some ingredients have the ability to calm the airways, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system, helping you to better cope with issues like coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath.

“The beauty of this approach,” he continued, “is that we can choose remedies that support your specific situation. The goal is not only to relieve symptoms but also to promote your well-being.”

He paused for a moment, before explaining, “While this may be a new route for you, I truly believe that using natural products can have a positive impact. Together, we can discover which remedies work best for you and how they can improve your health.”

Although Gerard's words offered me a glimmer of hope, I still worried. Did this mean that I was the only one with these problems? Why had nobody told me this before?

I am not alone 

Gerard looked at me seriously and said, “Let's also briefly discuss the extent of these problems in the Netherlands, so you have a better understanding of how widespread they are.”

He continued, “In the Netherlands, many people deal with lung problems, and the numbers can be quite confronting. Approximately 1 in 7 adults struggle with chronic respiratory problems, including conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and COPD.”

“Specifically,” he continued, “asthma is a common condition. About 1.2 million people in the Netherlands have asthma, which causes symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing

This means many people struggle daily with breathing problems that can affect their lives.”

Gerard paused, then explained, “With chronic bronchitis and COPD, which are often caused by smoking or long-term exposure to pollutants, we are dealing with about 600,000 people

These conditions often lead to persistent coughing, shortness of breath and breathing problems that can significantly reduce quality of life.”

“These figures show that respiratory problems are a common problem in the Netherlands,” he continued. “It is important to know that you are not alone and that there are several treatment options available. 

By considering a holistic approach, we can work together to find relief and improve your overall health.”

His words helped me see that my symptoms were part of a wider problem, and that support and solutions were available to the many people who were facing similar challenges.

How to use natural products for healing 

Gerard leaned forward slightly and said with an encouraging smile, “Let's look at how natural products can contribute to your recovery. Using specific nutrients and herbs can be a valuable addition to your treatment.”

He advised me to try a Lung Detox Blend, a supplement specifically designed to detoxify the lungs and support respiratory health.

The ingredients in this supplement are entirely plant-based and scientific studies have linked them to lung-related symptoms.

Gerard began by explaining the first ingredient, vitamin D, which is crucial for the immune system and helps maintain strong bones. A 2009 study found that it could modulate the body’s inflammatory response and reduce the risk of infections.

Research has also connected vitamin D supplements to a reduction in mortality rates

In addition, a deficiency in vitamin D can increase the risk of respiratory infections and tuberculosis, as well as decrease lung function in asthma and wheezing.

A significant study in the United States showed that improved vitamin D levels were associated with better lung function.

In addition, we have ‘L-Cysteine’, an amino acid that helps produce a powerful antioxidant named glutathione (GSH. This can be particularly helpful in reducing oxidative stress and improving your liver function, which contributes to better health

This is essential since oxidative stress and weakened liver function can lead to a range of health issues, including respiratory problems.

Gerard informed me that we have gained many new insights from the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, research has shown that glutathione is more important than we initially thought.

The consequences of COVID-19 range from mild cases to fatalities. One common factor is the accumulation of harmful oxygen species due to disrupted redox homeostasis. 

GSH can reduce inflammation and prevent organ failure, and increasing GSH levels can protect vulnerable individuals and suppress severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Gerard grabbed a notebook and said, “Another important ingredient is Mullein leaf (torch), a herb traditionally used for respiratory disorders. 

It acts as an expectorant and helps soothe irritated mucous membranes.

This can be very effective in facilitating the removal of mucus from your lungs and relieving coughing and breathing problems.

In recent years, several studies have explored the effect of herbs, with truly amazingresults.

Torch is a medicinal plant that helps with inflammation, asthma, cough, diarrhea, and lung problems. One study examined Torch extracts in water, ethanol, and methanol, and found antibacterial activity against various bacteria and inhibited tumors in potatoes. 

Another study indicates that Torch has been used in North Africa, West and Central Asia, and Europe since ancient times as a way to soothe symptoms related to lung, skin and throat disorders.

Gerard continued, “Pine bark (Pinus pinaster) is another valuable ingredient in the Lung Detox Blend. It contains powerful antioxidants, named proanthocyanidins, which have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

It can help reduce oxidative damage and support cardiovascular health, indirectly contributing to improved respiratory function.”

Pink bark contains active compounds, such as proanthocyanidins, with strong antioxidant properties, which help fight harmful free radicals.

These antioxidants support respiratory health by reducing inflammation and improving lung function.

Pine bark is also crucial in improving circulation and strengthening blood vessels.

Improved circulation allows oxygen and nutrients to be transported through the body more efficiently, which is essential for maintaining healthy lungs.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, pine bark can also help to reduce coughing and mucus production, often associated with chronic respiratory diseases.

Summary: Pine bark extract can support lung health and relieve respiratory problems.

Gerard continued, “Another key ingredient is Elderberry (Sambucus nigra), a fruit that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It acts as an expectorant and helps soothe irritated mucous membranes.”

Its antiviral and immune-boosting properties can help to decrease the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms, which can be particularly helpful for people who suffer from respiratory infections.

In fact, Elderberry extract is full of antioxidants and vitamins, which strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.

This means that it is particularly effective in supporting the respiratory system and relieving symptoms, including coughing and stuffiness.

In addition, elderberry helps fight infections, due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. 

It reduces the duration and severity of colds and flu, contributing to a faster recovery.

Elderberry also promotes lung health by clearing mucus and improving breathing.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) also plays a role,” Gerard continued. Ginseng is known for its adaptogenic properties, which means that it helps your body manage stress and improve your energy levels.

Studies have shown it can also improve cognitive function and boost the immune system.

Ginseng helps to fight respiratory infections by reducing inflammation.

It also relieves pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines, such as IL-2 and TNF-α, and clinical studies have shown that it can reduce repeated colds and flu

This highlights the immunomodulatory, antiviral, and antibacterial effects of ginseng in treating respiratory infections.

“Finally, the Lung Detox Blend contains the “Reishi mushroom” (Ganoderma lucidum),” Gerard said with a smile. This is a powerful remedy in traditional Chinese medicine, known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties

Research has shown that Reishi can modulate the immune system, improve liver function, and have antitumor effects. 

It also reduces inflammation, provides antioxidants that protect the body ,helps fight infections, and improves overall health.

Gerard ended with a reassuring tone, “These natural products can be a valuable addition to your treatment, and their science-based benefits can help improve your respiratory health and well-being. Together, we will create a plan that fits your needs and symptoms.”

His explanation offered me a new perspective on how these natural remedies could support my recovery and improved my confidence in a comprehensive approach to my health.

What information do we have now?

  • Symptoms like coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath can arise from chronic conditions, allergies, infections, or environmental factors affecting the respiratory system.
  • Natural ingredients can help to promote healthy breathing, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system.
  • Homoeopathy focuses on restoring balance to the body, using natural remedies to target specific symptoms.
  • Several natural remedies specifically aim to relieve such symptoms. 
  • Natural products can effectively improve respiratory symptoms and offer a complementary approach to health improvement.

Gerard's advice for harnessing the power of plants

Gerard's explanation of the Lung Detox Blend caused me to think. In previous years, I had tried several medications, none of which produced the desired results.

So, why would a medication composed of natural ingredients be the solution?

One of the great advantages of the Lung Detox Blend is its suitability for vegetarians. All of its ingredients are plant-based, and the supplement contains no animal by-products. As such, it is an excellent choice for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

After learning more about how natural ingredients work and reading about the positive experiences of others, I decided to give it a shot.

My personal experience 

My experience with the Lung Detox Blend completely changed my outlook on natural supplements and holistic health approaches

Like many people who have struggled with coughing, breathing problems, and shortness of breath, I wanted a solution that could both alleviate my symptoms and improve my health.

After several weeks of consistently using the Lung Detox Blend, my breathing issues significantly improved. My coughing fits, which had previously been frequent and intense, were noticeably reduced. 

The blend contains ingredients that support the removal of mucus from the airways, making my breathing far easier. The calming effect on my airways produced less coughing, which was a huge relief.

Another advantage I noticed was an increase in my energy levels. Before, I often felt tired even after a good night's rest, Yet, the support of the Lung Detox Blend made me feel generally more energetic and vital.

This is due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the blend’s natural ingredients, which both supported my lung health and improved my well-being.

One thing I particularly appreciate about the Lung Detox Blend is that it is entirely suitable for vegetarians and vegans

As someone who follows a vegetarian diet, it was crucial that the supplement did not contain any animal products

The fact that all the ingredients are plant-based gave me extra confidence in the product.

My experience with the Lung Detox Blend has convinced me of the power of natural supplements. Using herbs and nutrients to support my health feels much more natural and less invasive than many pharmaceutical treatment options. 

By embracing a holistic approach to health and incorporating natural products into my daily routine, I have alleviated my respiratory problems and adopted a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

This experience has strengthened my confidence in natural supplements and taking an integrative approach to health. 

I am grateful for the improvements to my health and am confident that the Lung Detox Blend has been a valuable addition to my health and well-being.

The producer of Lung Detox Blend

The Lung Detox Blend comes from an innovative Rotterdam-based company, a fact that gave me considerable confidence in the product. This Dutch company behind the blend is known for its dedication to crafting high-quality natural supplements and specializes in a variety of health conditions.

The company has established a solid reputation by focusing on its products’ effectiveness and safety. Every supplement, including the Lung Detox Blend, is extensively tested by independent laboratories to ensure purity and efficacy. This is a crucial factor, particularly for products intended to support lung health.

The Rotterdam-based company aims to establish new standards for quality and sustainability in the natural supplement industry, striving to use only the best ingredients, carefully selected based on the latest scientific research and findings. Each product is designed with the utmost care to ensure that it is not only effective but also free of harmful substances.

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What I like about the Lung Detox blend

  1. It is developed by a company in the Netherlands.
  2. The composition has been formulated by experts. You can see that current leading research has been taken into account when developing the product.
  3. Greenleaf Blends offers the product at an absolutely fair price. Other lung supplements, which are of lesser quality, sometimes cost €60-80 or £49-66 per month together. Lung Detox blend is already available for €23 per month.
  4. The ingredients are natural and of the highest purity and quality.
  5. I think the packaging is beautiful.
  6. I only need to take 2 capsules a day o support my lungs.

About Francesca

Francesca van Vught, 58, struggled for years with respiratory issues, including coughing, shortness of breath, and sleep problems due to breathlessness. Two years ago, on her sister's birthday, she was advised to consider alternative medicine and met with a homeopathic doctor who introduced her to the power of natural ingredients. That's how she came across Lung Detox Blend, a supplement that aids with lung detoxification. Despite some hesitation, she began taking the supplement and quickly saw improvements. Her symptoms reduced significantly, and she was able to return to her normal, active life. Francesca now enjoys long walks and playing with her grandchildren. She hopes that her story will inspire others with similar respiratory issues and help them find a solution to positively change their lives.


Due to the many positive reactions, I have again answered a number of frequently asked questions:

What is Lung Detox Blend?

Lung Detox Blend is a dietary supplement made from natural ingredients. It aims to support lung health and respiratory function, helps cleanse the lungs of pollutants, and promotes improved breathing.

What are the key ingredients in Lung Detox Blend?

The blend includes vitamin D, L-Cysteine, mullein leaf, pine bark, elderberry, ginseng, and reishi mushroom. These ingredients were selected for their potential to support lung health, reduce inflammation, and enhance respiratory function.

How do I take Lung Detox Blend?

The recommended dosage is two (2) capsules per day, taken with a meal. For best results, it’s advised to take the supplement consistently at the same time each day.

How long does it take to see results?

Individual results may vary; some people notice improvements within a few weeks, while others take longer. Consistent use is key, and results are typically noticeable within 1-2 months.

Can I take Lung Detox Blend if I have respiratory conditions like COPD?

Lung Detox Blend has been specifically designed to support respiratory health and may also be beneficial for individuals with conditions such as asthma or COPD. However, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before use, especially if you are taking medications, to ensure the ingredients work well alongside your treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Lung Detox Blend is made from natural ingredients and is generally well-tolerated. However, if you experience any side effects, please discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.

Can I take Lung Detox Blend with other medications?

If you are taking medications for respiratory conditions or other treatments, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.

Is Lung Detox Blend suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Yes, Lung Detox Blend is made from 100% plant-based ingredients. As such, it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

How should I store Lung Detox Blend?

Store the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Ensure the bottle is tightly sealed after use to maintain freshness.

What if I’m not satisfied with the product?

We offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results. Please contact our customer service team at for assistance with returns and refunds.

Where can I purchase Lung Detox Blend?

Lung Detox Blend is available from our website:

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Sources (original studies in English):

• Upper respiratory tract infections:
• Estimating the global prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review and meta-analysis:
• Vitamin D and respiratory health:• The role of glutathione in protecting against the severe inflammatory response caused by COVID-19:
• Biological activity of torch, a medicinal plant:
• Health-promoting and disease-reducing potential of Verbascum thapsus L. (common torch): a review:
• Pharmacological efficacy of ginseng against respiratory infections: