How you can finally get rid of osteoarthritis pain and why painkillers can actually worsen osteoarthritis
Discover which scientific breakthrough is the first effective therapy for osteoarthritis according to leading doctors. And how thousands of patients got rid of their joint pain permanently and without side effects with the weight detox method within a few weeks.

Recent studies show that painkillers even worsen osteoarthritis. Experts are now reporting a new “joint detoxification method”.
Dear reader,
If you suffer from osteoarthritis, you know what it feels like to have pain controlled every day of your life...
Every movement feels like absolute hell.
But not every movement hurts... Because at rest at night the pain is much worse.
Then you wake up tired in the morning because the pain has robbed you of all your sleep.
During the day you can't move forward due to a lack of energy...
You cannot concentrate at work.
You can barely make it through the day by drinking (too) much coffee.
Not only your work, but also your family life and relationship suffer...
You are chained to a constant pain that takes away all your quality of life.
You can no longer think about sports or hobbies.
On the contrary: just taking a few steps is already difficult.

Osteoarthritis can make your life hell...
The worst part is: Nothing seems to help.
Whether it is painkillers, physiotherapy or nutritional supplements…
It's as if osteoarthritis is like a curse on you.
I myself have been plagued by this serious curse for about 5 years.
Until I made a discovery that treats osteoarthritis naturally - with permanent results and without side effects.
To help you as best as possible, I have created this report for you. Because you need to know about this amazing new treatment for osteoarthritis that is safe, effective, and natural!
In fact, this revolutionary treatment (that you've never heard of before) is the ONLY thing that has actually relieved the pain in my joints.
Even after every other method left me frustrated and disappointed.
And the best part is: This effective and lasting pain relief…
You can experience it in just 3 minutes a day!
With this new treatment, the “joint detoxification method” I managed to fully recover after more than 5 years of torment of my joints.
In addition, I have also regained my mobility and zest for life.

Hello, my name is Gerda Meijer
Less than 5 years ago I developed osteoarthritis.
I was only 59 years old then.
The pain became worse every day.
My mobility decreased rapidly in a short time
My biggest fear was that I would fall to the ground during the day, because once I got to my knees it was hell.
And if I wanted to pick something up from the ground, I always had to have something nearby to pull me up.
Only I couldn't get up anymore
I wasn't even 60 yet, but I felt like I was 120.
The worst is yet to come, because the cold made my joints crack even more...
And the pain became unbearable.
The doctor soon diagnosed me with osteoarthritis

When I heard it, I fell to the ground...
It felt like a slap in the face!
But despite the setback, I decided not to give up.
I tried every form of treatment…
Heat wraps , mud baths , various detoxification treatments…
I even ate completely vegan for 6 months.
I tried physiotherapy , daily exercises …
What worked was short-lived .
And I also didn't spend a lot of money on nutritional supplements.
But nothing worked!
But deep down I didn't want to give up. I couldn't accept my fate this way.
So I tried out more tips from other people with osteoarthritis on forums.
Over and over again I tried all these new recommendations .
Months passed… Despair was near.
I don't want anymore and I couldn't anymore.
The worst part was - I felt so helpless
Just when I was about to give up, I made a discovery that changed my life.
Not only did I find a solution that relieved the pain...
But I also discovered why conventional pharmacy products such as painkillers cannot help. And even partially worsen the pain.
Chances are that you - like me - have already tried everything.
Whether ointments, compresses or collagen powder from the pharmacy ...
Or all kinds of painkillers.
If doesn't work and it's hard not to give up hope .
Then I am not only the angel on your shoulder today, but above all, I want to give you courage again!
If you currently suffer from osteoarthritis, please read this experience report carefully.
Because I dare to promise that you will be sitting happily in front of your screen within minutes.
Knowing that you too can finally get rid of your joint pain.
Armed with this knowledge, you will soon be in possession of the exact steps required for this.
More than 2,241 other osteoarthritis patients have now achieved this.
We have all used the “joint detox method”.
This brand new treatment method is considered according to international studies and experts to:
“The first effective measure to treat the cause of osteoarthritis and rebuild damaged cartilage. So that people with osteoarthritis can live permanently pain-free .
The best thing about this is: It only takes you 3 minutes a day and it is also natural and has no side effects.

Heike L. (62) finally no longer needs painkillers
"My greatest wish was to get my osteoarthritis under control and to be able to live without complaints again.
I could barely remember what it was like to live without pain.
I had increasingly worse pain in (almost) all joints. Rehabilitation or physiotherapy did not bring any success.
At the age of 61, I was already completely disabled and had to take early retirement. In addition to the heavy painkillers, I was also given antidepressants .
Sometimes all I wanted to do was be desperate . That only made the situation worse.
But for more than 2 months I have been able to get through the day completely without painkillers .
For me it's like a miracle .
Finally I'm looking forward to the rest of my life again. I'm so grateful."

Sabine M. (44) can finally work as a hairdresser again
"I was so desperate, I was about to give up my dream job as a hairdresser .
And retrain myself as an administrative assistant. My hands just stopped cooperating.
But I loved my job so much. Just the thought of an office job made me nauseous.
I didn't know where to look anymore. At 38 I felt like 70. Fear for the future plagued me... what if it gets worse?
Fortunately, I then received the decisive advice from my doctor.
Now I can work as a hairdresser again for 80% of my time. I'm sure it will get even better.
The progress of the past 4 months alone is indescribable. I'm just so happy!"

Holger A. (51) can finally cycle again
"I have always done exercise. Sport was an integral part of my daily life. Mountain biking, skiing, football, walking and jogging.
But after my osteoarthritis two years ago, I had to give up all my hobbies little by little.
I became more and more depressed , because I just lacked balance. Without sports I simply could not and did not want to imagine my life.
When my wife got a tip from a friend, who could significantly improve her arthritis in just a few weeks ... I decided to go for it.
That was three months ago. Yesterday I was able to make my first day trip by mountain bike. That was not possible for more than a year.
I'm glad my wife came across this. I think she's also happy that I no longer sit at home like a depressed grouch and bother her with my bad mood."
Do you also want to get rid of all your complaints? Find out everything you need to know here
✅ What message your body wants to tell you with your osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a warning sign . Understanding the causes of this condition can help you resolve them. You will be able to live a healthy life again. Even if your doctor predicts the opposite.
✅ Why your pain is not due to aging . Cartilage damage due to joint inflammation is more likely to be responsible. You have to solve these inflammations, because otherwise, no matter how much you try, nothing will work permanently. The good news : This is easier to treat than you think. No matter how long you have been suffering from osteoarthritis. Or how much the cartilage has already broken down.
✅ Why nutritional supplements such as collagen, glucosamine or hyaluronic acid alone will not help restore cartilage. And which approach is the only effective method to finally get rid of your osteoarthritis .
How did I come to this game-changing discovery and what does it mean?
When I was at the end of my rope a year ago and wanted to give up , because I felt so incredibly powerless and abandoned by all the doctors...
I made a decision .
I decided to look for a solution for my pain myself.
So I contacted all kinds of joint specialists throughout Europe.
I inquired about possible treatments for my osteoarthritis.
And I researched day and night.
Followed every message in all kinds of online forums about osteoarthritis.
Subscribed to all medical journals.
Read every article published about osteoarthritis.
Then I made a discovery !
I came across a study from the University of California , published in December 2022¹:

I could hardly believe my eyes !
The study included 277 people with moderate to severe inflammation of the knee joints.
All 277 participants regularly took anti-inflammatory painkillers for at least a year.
They were compared with 793 people whose knee complaints were not treated with painkillers.
When I read the results of the study, I was shocked !
According to this study, taking anti-inflammatory painkillers such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen or diclofenac can even worsen the symptoms of osteoarthritis !
MRI examinations at the start of the study and after a period of four years not only showed that there were no long-term benefits from the painkillers.
On the contrary!
The joint infections of those taking painkillers worsened even further over the next four years.
The cartilage was broken down significantly more than in the comparison group without painkillers!
When Dr. Johanna Luitjens of the University of California San Francisco presented the results of the study at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, I sat in front of my screen and followed the presentation via livestream.
A rumor spread through the ranks of all the high-ranking medical professionals in the audience.
At that moment I understood:
Painkillers only numb the pain, or the symptoms, but they do not solve the cause.
By numbing the pain, you even increase the risk of further incorrectly loading your joints.
And that the inflammation worsens even faster.
It's like you're driving your car on the highway and the red fuel light comes on.
If you just mask off the flashing red light , it won't last long.
Although you have found a solution to the "red light" symptom , you have not solved the root of the problem .
That's why your car will soon come to a standstill because the tank is empty.
Exactly the same goes for painkillers.
You numb the pain, but you don't solve the cause of the pain.
For the first time, I understood why painkillers actually made my joint pain worse .
I definitely wanted to know more about the study.
So I contacted the research faculty at the University of California.
I wrote several emails, even letters.
I kept asking for help and asking for advice on what I could do to cure my osteoarthritis.
After a few weeks, an email response finally arrived.
I looked anxiously at my inbox.
A prof. dr. Berger from the University of California answered me.
I opened the email and read the first lines.
Prof. Dr. Berger had already worked at the University of California on the research faculty for 5 years .
Previously, he had been medical director of an orthopedics and rheumatology clinic in Zurich for more than 10 years.
As I continued reading, I could almost cry with joy.
My persistence had paid off!
Prof. Dr. Berger offered to answer my questions personally in a video call.
And to talk to me about a new treatment method for osteoarthritis.

What Herr Prof. Dr. Berger told me during that conversation completely turned my entire knowledge of osteoarthritis upside down!
There have been medical studies for years that show that osteoarthritis can be treated naturally .
Cartilage can even be completely restored.
But unfortunately, these studies are often ignored .
The market for painkillers is a billion-dollar business.
That's why he and his colleagues at the University of California have spent the past 4 years working on a study that clearly refutes the effectiveness of painkillers.
And it warns about the dangers of long-term use of pain medication.
With the attention the study results have received internationally, it is now possible to draw more attention to natural treatments for osteoarthritis.
I asked Prof. Dr. Berger what I could do and what he recommended to me in my situation.
Then Prof. Dr. Berger gives me an insight into a recent study into a new approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis.
This treatment method is currently being conducted by the University of California together with the University of Zurich.
The current results of the study already show astonishing results with several thousand participants.
This new treatment approach is referred to by researchers as the "joint detox method."
What Herr Prof. Dr. Berger told me during the conversation about the findings of the study fundamentally changed my entire knowledge about osteoarthritis.
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Berger was the first time I understood the exact causes of osteoarthritis.
I understood where exactly my complaints and pain came from.
And what I could do about it .
For the first time, I understood why everything I had tried before to relieve the pain couldn't work.
I realized what I had to do to overcome my osteoarthritis.
These insights gave me new hope .
To make it as easy as possible for you, I have summarized all the important information for you in the following lines.
So that you too come to know that there is a way out of the persistent pain.
Did you know that osteoarthritis does not develop just because you get older?
That is a misconception.
I want to give you an example about that.
Do you know Jeanne Louise Calment ?
She was the oldest person in the world.
Madame Calment was incredible!
She started fencing at the age of 85 and was even cycling when she was 100.
Until the age of 110 she lived alone and was still active and mobile .
Madame Calment never suffered from back or joint pain in her entire life.
She was still mobile and had healthy joints at over 100 years old.
Moreover, she had never had a broken bone until she was 115 years old.
She also had no other chronic conditions.
However, that is almost impossible for a human in our modern lives.
Osteoarthritis therefore has absolutely nothing to do with age itself.
But if it is not due to age, how does osteoarthritis develop in the joints?
Prof. Dr. Berger explained it this way:
There is cartilage between the joints.
This cartilage protects the joints.

This cartilage is nourished by the synovial fluid.
When you move the joint, more fluid is produced, which protects the cartilage from dehydration.
But too little or incorrect exercise can cause the cartilage to dry out and become brittle .
Due to dehydration, the cartilage tissue is gradually broken down.
This ensures that the cartilage can no longer adequately protect the joints.
Because the "cartilage buffers" between the joints disappear .
Without these buffers , the joints rub "bone on bone" with every movement.
This leads to severe joint pain and is called osteoarthritis .

But why is the synovial fluid so important for the cartilage?
The lymphatic system of our body plays an important role here.
The lymphatic system is, next to the circulatory system, the second important circulation system of our body.
It transports waste products and cleanses body tissue.
The entire lymphatic system works like a huge pump.
Waste products are pumped out of the tissue and nutrients are pumped into it.
With every movement, such as raising a finger, we activate this internal pump and stimulate lymph flow.
This ensures better metabolism throughout the body, especially in the joints.
If a joint receives too little movement for a long time, the lymphatic system can no longer perform its task properly.
As a result, harmful substances quickly accumulate in the joint fluid, which can cause inflammation in the articular cartilage .
These are called metabolic wastes , or simply waste .
Due to the deterioration of the lymph flow, waste products (waste) can no longer be removed from the cartilages.
The "waste barrier" of inflamed tissue then remains permanently in the joints. And more and more waste (waste products) accumulates in the joints.
The result: the joints become increasingly inflamed, the cartilage dries out further and osteoarthritis progresses.
The problem: once there is such a mountain of waste in the joints, exercise alone is no longer sufficient to reverse it.
Because the waste in the joints is like sand between the teeth . It wears out the bones with every further movement and the pain becomes increasingly worse.
In addition, this waste barrier prevents nutrients from food from being transported to the joints.
It was precisely here that researchers from the University of California made the all-important discovery !
They found an active substance that breaks through and dissolves this waste barrier .
How does this new treatment approach work and how can osteoarthritis be treated effectively?
Let's take a closer look at Madame Calment.
How did Madame Calment manage to stay so healthy and still fit and active at over 100 years old?
What was Madame Calment's secret ?
Could it be her genes?
That could quickly be ruled out.
Because Madame Calment's parents had died at a much younger age.
But what was it?
There was something that characterized the region of southern France.
Wine consumption .
In the south of France, people drink an average of 2-3 glasses of red wine per day.
Interestingly, Madame Calment's wine consumption was also very high.
Jeanne sometimes even drank a liter a day.
She said it kept her young.

She was absolutely right.
[Don't worry, I'm not encouraging you to drink a liter of red wine a day.]
In France, scientists discovered that there is a substance in wine that relieves inflammation in the body.
And makes the blood more fluid .
This substance is found in the grape seeds and is called OPC .
Normally, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death.
And therefore the reason why people have a life expectancy of 78 to 83 years.
But because Madame Calment's blood could flow so well, her heart always supplied her entire body with sufficient nutrients.
This is how she was able to reach such a high age and do so in good health.
OPC was therefore the substance in red wine that helped Madame Calment age healthily.
And helped her to stay mobile.
Prof. Dr. Berger said that according to the latest insights, this active substance is an important factor in the treatment of osteoarthritis .
Because OPC solves a major problem.
A problem that has until now reduced the effectiveness of all natural remedies for osteoarthritis.
A big problem?
Please read the following lines very carefully!
Now you will learn the real reason why nutritional supplements such as collagen and others could only (minimally) reduce pain for me, you and many other osteoarthritis patients!
Through his years of research in the clinic in Zurich, Prof. Dr. Berger:
Only a minimal percentage of the nutrients are transported to the cartilage after ingestion.
Most of it is not metabolized.
And therefore never reaches the cartilage or the joint.
The reason?
Your own garbage collection service is on strike!
You're probably raising your eyebrows right now and thinking, "What?"
That's exactly how it happened to me too!
It's like this: your entire body consists of a huge network of blood vessels.
You can imagine it as a road network in a big city.
The blood flowing through your body is, in a sense, both a garbage collector and a nutrient provider.
But what does this have to do with osteoarthritis?
Throughout our lives, deposits accumulate in our arteries and blood vessels.
The body's garbage disposal becomes weaker .
You can imagine it like this.
A young garbage collector easily throws the 20 kg garbage bag high into the garbage truck.
But at age 60, that throw is clearly becoming more tiring.

As our internal garbage disposal becomes weaker, our arteries in the body begin to calcify.
These deposits ( "calcification") increasingly block the flow of blood . And the elasticity of the blood vessels decreases .
This is called arteriosclerosis.
In the worst case, the arteries can become completely blocked.
The result: heart attacks or strokes.
For most people, this is one of the biggest health problems.
This is also why so many people die from this.
The " limescale " in the blood vessels makes it harder for the body to remove waste products (" garbage ").

The result: more inflammation occurs in the body!
That is exactly what happens in your joints.
They become inflamed and your body can ultimately no longer break down these inflammations itself.
Because the garbage collection service no longer functions sufficiently.
The inflammation then remains in the joints and damages the cartilage .
This leads to joint wear , or osteoarthritis .
Like a car starting to rust.
As long as waste continues to accumulate in the joints, they can no longer absorb nutrients from the outside.
Because they are completely occupied with waste materials , or garbage.
This is exactly where the groundbreaking discovery of OPC in osteoarthritis comes into play!
OPC strengthens the blood vessels in the body, helping them become more elastic and making the blood more fluid.
Due to the improved fluidity, OPC helps to restart the body's own waste collection service .
The waste barrier in the joints is broken and the waste is removed .
There are now numerous scientific studies around the world that confirm the positive effects of OPC on the cardiovascular system and blood vessels.²
I understood the following:
As long as too much waste "occupies" my joints , nutrients can no longer get to them!
Wow - an insight that opened my eyes.
It became clear to me why I had tried and taken so much, but nothing had a lasting effect .
But OPC has another unique feature that helps the joints regenerate !
Professor Dr. Berger explained to me that OPC doesn't just improve garbage disposal in the body.
It has another effect that is essential to finally treat osteoarthritis effectively .
Thanks to the improved fluidity of the blood, OPC supports the transport of nutrients to the joints!
The blood serves not only as a garbage disposal, but also as a means of transporting nutrients.
Like a freight train bringing nutrients from A to B.
In order for the nutrients to arrive, the fluidity of the blood must be correct.
And the veins and arteries must be free and elastic.
Thanks to OPC, the joints can be freed from inflamed debris.
At the same time, anti-inflammatory and cartilage-building nutrients can be regained.
Without OPC this was not possible until now!
OPC is the missing puzzle piece in osteoarthritis research!
But Professor Dr. Berger and his colleagues realized that OPC was only part of the solution!
The right nutrients that boost inflammation are also needed.
And rebuild the cartilage.
The operation of OPC alone is not sufficient for this!
Therefore, further steps are needed to truly cure osteoarthritis permanently.
For this purpose, researchers from the University of California have developed a globally unique treatment method for osteoarthritis!
This treatment method is already considered by leading joint researchers to be the first effective approach for the permanent treatment of osteoarthritis!
This new treatment approach is based on international studies and the latest insights from joint research.
These insights have been combined for the first time in this method.
In total, this approach consists of 3 consecutive steps - which only work together.
Professor Dr. Berger and his colleagues call this 3-step method the "Joint Detox Method".
More than tens of thousands of people with osteoarthritis have significantly reduced their pain permanently with this method.
So how can you permanently get rid of your complaints with the "Joint Detoxification method"?
The following 3 steps will bring your mobility back:
Step 1: You must first improve the fluidity of your blood. Because you need a well-functioning vehicle that frees the joints of waste products. And then transports the nutrients to the cartilage.
Step 2: You need to reduce inflammation in the joints. Because new cartilage can only be formed if the inflammation is cured.
Step 3: Your body needs nutrients that help form new cartilage tissue. You must support your body with this.
But how can you put all this into practice to finally live pain-free again?
Step 1: Improve the fluidity of your blood!

For this you need OPC: [IMPORTANT: A grape seed extract with a high content of pure OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) is required!]
OPC improves blood fluidity and strengthens vessel walls.
This allows your body to remove waste products better.
And transport nutrients to the right places.
Without OPC this wouldn't work.
OPC has already shown success in the treatment of osteoarthritis in several studies, such as studies from India³ and South Korea⁴.
But OPC alone is not enough to permanently defeat osteoarthritis!
You'll understand why in a moment...
OPC works significantly more effectively when combined with other anti-inflammatory nutrients.
This is where step 2 comes into play!
Step 2: Reduce inflammation in the joints!

For this you need Boswellia (frankincense) extract:
[NOTE: Not just any Boswellia, but the bioavailable boswellic acids AKBA are required!]
Frankincense has been used in ancient medicine for thousands of years - especially for joint problems.
Because frankincense contains an anti-inflammatory substance called boswellic acid.
Note: There are different forms of boswellic acid.
Not every form is equally effective.
To effectively reduce joint inflammation , you need AKBA .
AKBA is the most powerful of all boswellic acids in frankincense.
The effectiveness of AKBA in joint inflammation has already been demonstrated in clinical studies from India in 2008⁵ and 2014⁶:
The studies show that the level of AKBA plays a crucial role in effectively reducing inflammation.
Please note: Only high-quality incense contains a high level of AKBA.
After the inflammation has healed, you need to allow your body to form new cartilage.
Wondering why just reducing inflammation doesn't work?
You've already taken anti-inflammatory supplements, but that didn't help?
That's an important point.
Focusing solely on reducing inflammation is like driving with only rims - but no tires .
The joint becomes immediately irritated and inflamed with every movement with defective cartilage.
This is where step 3 comes into play...
Step 3: Help your body form new cartilage tissue!

The good news is:
Your body is able to form new cartilage tissue again.
This has now been proven by numerous scientific studies.
This requires nutrients that support it.
Only in this way can it form new cartilage tissue .
But first the inflammation from the joint must heal!
If you still have inflammation in your joints and then try
to form new cartilage,
is that like building a house on sand.
The foundation is unstable and the house collapses.
That is why the building of cartilage only occurs in step 3!
It is important to know:
Cartilage can regenerate completely - regardless of any form of osteoarthritis or arthritis.
What is required for this?
Your body needs silicon for this!
[Important: Only silicon from bamboo extract guarantees high bioavailability]

Have you ever seen how bamboo grows?
It first strikes roots underground and you don't see a plant above the ground for a long time.
But once the roots are strong enough, bamboo can grow up to 1 meter per day.
Because bamboo is an absolutely natural phenomenon in its cell structure.
Bamboo is also the only plant that can withstand strong winds.
Ordinary trees break easily in a storm.
But not bamboo!
Because it is not only extremely stable , but also elastic at the same time.
It bends in the wind and therefore does not break.
One of the reasons for this is the high content of natural silicon.
Bamboo extract is the richest natural source of silicon, as it contains 70% pure silicon.
International studies have shown that people who are sufficiently supplied with silicon have better bone density⁷ .
The higher the silicon intake, the higher the bone density .
In osteoarthritis, silicon ensures that damaged articular cartilage can regenerate more quickly⁸.
But Boswellia and silicon can only work effectively if they also reach the cartilage.
Therefore, the joints must first be freed of waste products.
So performing step 3 before steps 1 & 2 is not effective.
The most important discovery of Professor Dr. Berger and his colleagues was:
There were many studies worldwide into the individual active substances in osteoarthritis.
And also some treatment successes.
But no one had yet come up with the idea of combining these active ingredients!
The breakthrough and therefore the reason why so many osteoarthritis patients became pain-free within a few months - is the discovery of the "Joint Detox Method"!
You know, when I understood all this, I was so incredibly angry .
Angry at myself for spending so much time, energy and money on useless things.
And angry at all my previous doctors, who had only prescribed me painkillers and abandoned me.
But after the anger subsided a bit, there was a different feeling inside me.
A feeling that had been missing for years...
Heap !
My inner warrior screamed: Come on, Gerda! You can do this too!
Finally my fighting spirit was back.
I wanted my life back too!
Immediately the next day I looked on the Internet for all of Professor Dr. Berger's recommendations for active ingredients.
But that was a little more complicated than expected.
The Problem: There were many different single supplements containing OPC, Boswellia & Bamboo Extract…
Often I didn't know if the quality was good or if the dosage was correct.
I invested another 2 days to get an overview of the different supplements.
Then I finally had all the active ingredients that Professor Dr. Berger had recommended.
When the postman delivered the load of packages a few days later, I was overwhelmed at first.
A pile of boxes stood in front of my door.
What frustrated me was that I had to take multiple separate supplements - each containing 4-6 capsules.
In total it was 24 capsules every day.
However, I wanted to adhere to Professor Dr. Berger's recommendation .
And after 4 weeks I actually started to feel an improvement in my complaints.
The pain subsided and I could sleep better.
But I gradually became "tired of pills" from all those capsules.
I thought to myself, this must be easier.
I also tried powder supplements from different providers.
But the taste of the powders was even worse than swallowing the capsules.
So I stuck with the many capsules for now.
But I continued looking for a simpler solution.
Two weeks later I was with my physiotherapist Lisa.
She told me about a product that had helped another patient of hers with osteoarthritis tremendously.
The product is called Joint Relief blend .
I was curious because I had never heard of the product.
Once home, I immediately sat down at the computer and looked it up.
When I looked at the ingredients , I couldn't believe my eyes.
These were exactly all the active ingredients that Professor Dr. Berger had recommended.
And until now I had all purchased separately and carefully put together.
OPC, Boswellia, silicon...
In Joint Relief they were all combined and therefore much cheaper.
I discovered that the formula was based on the latest research results from joint research .
Research that Professor Dr. Berger had also mentioned in our conversation.
Apparently I had really stumbled upon the secret weapon for osteoarthritis.
Finally a product that contained all 3 steps of the Joint Detox Method!
Enthusiastic customers reported:
"After 2 months of use, I feel human again and can fully participate in life again."
"I can sleep through the night again and get my family life back under control. And that after 6 weeks of use."
"Finally an effective solution for the pain. Such an improvement within 3 months. It's like a miracle! I'm so happy."
I was totally excited and ordered it - I had to test it!
As I now know: one of the best decisions of my life.
Delivery took place within 2 weeks and I started taking it .
Because I had previously taken the active ingredients as separate supplements, I quickly noticed:
The effect of Joint Relief was even better!
My sleep improved after just 14 days.
Getting up in the morning was much easier .
After 4 weeks I was already able to keep the painkillers to a minimum .
After 8 weeks of use, I was able to walk for an hour straight with my grandchild for the first time.
I was overjoyed .
I was able to concentrate better at work again.
I no longer felt like I had been run over by a truck at night.
But I even had energy again for an evening at the cinema with my husband.
My overall quality of life slowly but surely returned!

I have been using the Joint Relief blend for 16 weeks now and... granddaughter can't get enough of jumping into my arms and flying.
... during outings with family & friends I no longer look forward to places to rest. But I walk along with joy and at the same pace.
... Freedom is spreading in my soul, because the constant fear that the disease could get worse is as if blown away.
I am so happy that I took responsibility for my own health.
And I got my life back.

Now you know my story.
I can only recommend that you give Joint Relief a try.
You have nothing to lose. You can only gain in quality of life - even with a warranty.
With the company Greenleaf Blends you get a 365-day money-back guarantee.
In addition, a specialized health coach is available for questions, for example about intake.
Which online store has a trained health expert on board for personal advice?
Even many pharmacies do not have a specialist in the field of osteoarthritis.
I'm including the Joint Relief link below .
Don't worry, this is a completely unpaid advertisement.
I don't get a cent for posting the link.
Even if you purchase the supplement, I will not receive any commission.
I am simply a convinced user and have personally experienced the amazing effect .

*Update: Due to its increasing popularity, the supplement has been sold out more often lately.
There is currently also a discount promotion on 3 jars.
Therefore, the blend will probably no longer be available soon.
It usually takes 6-8 weeks for the product to be back in stock.
That's why I recommend you go straight for the 3-month bundle.
This way you are assured of continuous intake without interruption.
That's how I did it too.
Professor Dr. Berger had advised me to ensure that I do not interrupt my intake.
Otherwise you run the risk of the complaints getting worse again.
Or even that you have to start over.
With the 3-month bundle, you will also experience the best effect .
The longer you use the product, the better the effect becomes.
I have experienced that myself.
You can see it like this:
A lack of nutrients in the body is like a dead battery on your phone.
It takes a while before it is charged again.
Your body also needs time to replenish nutrients.
There is also an extra discount for the 3-month bundle.
This not only gives you the best effect , but also saves you the most.
Your purchase is completely risk-free.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the operation of Joint Relief , you will get your money back in full.
This guarantee applies to you for 365 days!
Greenleaf can only offer such a guarantee because customer satisfaction is so high.
By clicking on the button below you will go directly to the online store.
First, check whether the supplement is still available at this time.
A few final words...I have now given you all the important information in this article. And I hope you now better understand the connections and causes of your osteoarthritis. You now know how to live pain-free again. So that you can finally live the life you had before you got osteoarthritis. More than 10,000 people affected outside have already proven that it works. I wish you all the best for your health and your life. Lots of love, Gerda.
Important! Update on Joint Relief blend
The company revisited the concept last year.
After ordering, you will now receive not only your product, but also complete instructions by email.
This means that a personal contact person will be assigned to you.
I think that's really impressive.
So you are not completely alone, but always have a helping hand at hand.
And these people are actually interested in fulfilling your wishes.
All in all, a very positive development that I wanted to mention in all honesty.
Some other changes that I noticed positively:
- 365 day "money back guarantee" has been introduced
- Customer service has improved greatly
- All additions are definitively waived
Here again is the link to the Joint Relief supplement.