Hoe essentiële oliën kunnen bijdragen aan jouw gezondheid
Read moreOnbekend tekort: de echte reden voor vermoeidheid, haaruitval en huidproblemen bij veganisten
Jolanda Peters
Read moreHoe ik van kortademigheid en hoesten weer naar vrij ademen ging
Ben je vaak kortademig, heb je last van hoesten of voel je dat je longen niet optimaalfunctioneren? Ondanks dat je arts je misschien geruststelt dat alles in orde is, blijf je toch met klachten zitten. Ontdek hier mijn verhaal en kom erachter wat mijn leven positief heeft veranderd.
Read moreThis is how to put an end to swollen legs, feet and hands.
Jolanda Peters
How I finally deflated my body sustainably after 2 years and lost 5 kg of water - completely natural and without chemical water tablets
Read moreChia seeds: It is not without reason that they are the superfood of the Aztecs
Hilda Helmdal
Chia seeds, once a source of power for the Aztecs, have now been recognized as a modern superfood. These little seeds are not only nutritious but also versatile, making a fantastic addition to the daily diet of anyone looking to improve their health naturally.
Read moreGreen fingers, happy heart: Gardening as therapy
Laura van der Horst
With the sun coming out and temperatures slowly rising, now is the perfect time to get outside and get your hands dirty in the dirt. Gardening is not only an enjoyable way to enjoy the nice weather, but it can also be a hugely therapeutic activity. In this blog post...
Read moreHow you can finally get rid of osteoarthritis pain and why painkillers can actually worsen osteoarthritis
Gerda Meijer
Discover which scientific breakthrough is the first effective therapy for osteoarthritis according to leading doctors. And how thousands of patients got rid of their joint pain within just a few weeks.
Read moreHow meditation can help with depression
by Carolien Eijzelen
Meditation reduces anxiety by cultivating calmness and mindfulness, which lowers stress responses. It brings us into the present, away from worries, creating peace and clarity that overcomes fear.
Read moreThe Missing Piece of the Hypothyroidism (Inactive Thyroid) Puzzle
by Tanja Fellenberg
From unexplained fatigue to weight gain, the symptoms are often subtle but dramatic. We dive deeper into the causes, symptoms, and most importantly, the solutions.
Read moreHow I was finally able to lose weight again after trying everything for YEARS.
by Barbara Lang
From unexplained fatigue to weight gain, the symptoms are often subtle but dramatic. We dive deeper into the causes, symptoms, and most importantly, the solutions.
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